Published March 06, 2023

International Women's Day - March 8th 2023


Here at Chorley we are proud of our strong female representation within the Society. We are in fact 70% female!!

We are celebrating International Women’s Day, which is on 8 March 2023, by featuring interviews with influential female employees who embody the importance of International Women’s Day and equality in the workplace.

We are adding new interviews every day, so please do take a moment and find out more about a few of our fantastic female colleagues.

Tracey Burton

What is your role here at the Chorley and how long have you been with us?
I am Deputy Head of Retail and I have worked for CBS since May 2021.

What’s the best thing about working at the Chorley?
The variety of my role and the fact that I can support in decision making to benefit our Members and prospective Members

What do you do to relax?
I love to go walking with my Jack Russell “Franny”. She is rather small but can walk for miles.

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
This seems such a long time ago! however my biggest regret is not joining the Police force.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
This would definitely be Margaret Haynes who was my manager when I started working in Banking. She had a great attitude and hands on approach. Her belief in me saw me flourish with my previous employer. We are still great friends and this is testament to the person that she is.

What three words would you closest friend use to describe you?
Fun, Kind and loyal.

If you could swap shoes with another influential person for one day, who would it be and why?
This would be Vivienne Westwood who brought the punk and new wave fashion. I would to spend a day looking at her ideas and how she brought them to life

Liz Pearson

What is your role here at the Chorley and how long have you been with us?
I’m the Head of Lending, responsible for a fab team who look after all of our mortgage customers, from application through the life of the Mortgage. I’ve been with the Society since late 2016.

What’s the best thing about working at the Chorley?
The people! As a small Society we know each and every member of the whole team!

What do you do to relax?
I am a Reiki practitioner, enjoy meditation and yoga.

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
I always wanted to be a Paediatrician

Who is your biggest inspiration?
I’ve been so lucky to meet so many amazing people in my life who have guided and inspired me throughout the years. I’ve recently read Dame Deborah James book (How to live when you could be dead), and if you haven’t done so already I’d definitely recommend it. If I have to pick one it would be my late nan. She lived until she was 101, she lived through 2 world wars, had the most amazing zest for her simple life and kept us all in check until the day she peacefully passed away.

What three words would your closest friend use to describe you?
Well I asked her and she said… loyal, kind-hearted and thoughtful…

If you could swap shoes with another influential person for one day, who would it be and why?
Louise Hay – if you’ve never heard of her or read her amazing book – How to Heal your Life, it’s definitely one to put at the top of the list.   She is a metaphysical teacher who has been teaching about the connection between the mind and the body since 1976.

Jacqueline Sharratt

What is your role here at the Chorley and how long have you been with us?
Head of Compliance, Money Laundering Reporting Officer and Data Protection Officer.

What’s the best thing about working at the Chorley?
The People! There is a great ‘One Team’ mentality and it is a supportive environment.

What do you do to relax?
Hitting the gym, hiking (weather permitting) and baking, I’d like to think I’m ready for the Great British Bake off, but I probably take too long trying to perfect things to meet their challenges.

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
Cabin Crew

Who is your biggest inspiration?
I have been fortunate to work with a number of incredible people through my working life and have learnt a great deal from them all.
The one person who always sticks in mind has having an influence on my career, even though we are not in the same field, is Dr. Giselle Goodwin, she was one of my first managers at my Saturday job and was one of the first to invest time in my development and was an incredible role model for bettering both the environment around her and being driven to continually learn.

What three words would your closest friend use to describe you?
Adventurous, Independent, Witty

If you could swap shoes with another influential person for one day, who would it be and why?
Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly in space. I have always been interested in Astronomy and Space and was fortunate enough to see a SpaceX launch a few years ago at Cape Canaveral, so to actually be involved in actually going to Space and all the training and preparation is truly fascinating.