High Street Noticeboard
Our High Street Branch has had a full refurbishment, and as part of this, we now have a 'What's On' noticeboard for our Members to use.
We are committed to supporting our local community and we are happy to promote appropriate events and local groups and charities.
We have prepared guidelines, as we need to make sure that the adverts are appropriate and are in line with our values as a Society.
The below provides examples of what is and isn't allowed on the 'What's On' board. This is not an exhaustive list, but will provide guidance on appropriate content.
Activities need to...
Take place at a public venue
Be for the benefit of the community or local area
Show the admission fee, or say it is free
If the poster relates to an activity or event which is open to children or vulnerable adults the poster MUST contain the following:
- Confirmation that safeguarding policies are in place
- Confirmation that any necessary DBS checks have been carried out
- Confirmation that they have appropriate insurance cover in place
Activities cannot...
Take place at a home address
Promote a religious cause
Be political advertising
Be a job advert / recruitment
Advertise businesses (eg tradespeople or products)
Cause offence to public taste or decency
The poster/flyer needs to be either A5 or A4 in size and should be easy to read, in colours that contrasting and use a font that will not be difficult for those with visual impairments to read.
Posters will be displayed for either one month or until the event date has passed. We are sorry, but we are unable to return posters/flyers.
The Society reserves the right not to display posters/flyers.
If you have any queries regarding our What's On board, please email marketing@chorleybs.co.uk